Do your local authorities apply chemicals to the kids park? Woodside Park in Lymington has glyphosate applied in the children's playground. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and they are concerns it could cause cancer. Glyphosate is also applied to residential streets and pavements regularly and 2,4-D (depitox) is applied regularly to the sports fields. Humans are increasingly surrounded by toxic man made chemicals and endocrine disruptors. Best to avoid them in the kids playground at least (they are not used in the cemetery out of respect).
Contact Lymington and Pennington Town Council to request they don't use herbicides or other chemicals in the children's playgrounds in Lymington: (same email to use for requesting they don't use herbicides on sports fields or wildflower patches)
Contact New Forest District Council to request they do not use glyphosate in residential areas in Lymington and that if they do, that they provide adequate warning / signage:
Pesticide Action Network: